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Be nifty at BeThrifty: Vintage Pop-Up Store

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Be nifty at BeThrifty: Vintage Pop-Up Store

The thrift store, BeThrifty, is coming to town with a vintage kilo sale this weekend. What’s a vintage kilo sale, you ask? Well, that just means you can grab as many clothing items as you like, and instead of paying per piece, you pay per kilo. It’s that simple.

So if you wanna go home with a lot of clothes while only spending a few pretty pennies, we suggest you stick to the lighter stuff (yep, leave the big boots for some other sucker).

Recommended if you like: vintage clothing, dressing like the 80s are still happening, making a bargain, being a little bit hipster, that one Macklemore song

Den viennawurstelstand.at-Beitrag kannst du unter diesem Link aufrufen: https://viennawurstelstand.com/event/bethrifty-vintage-pop-up-store/

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